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What is Google Classroom?


How to get started with Google Classroom?


How to create a class?


Class settings


How to add and see students in your class?


How to add materials, assignments and quizzes?


How to grade assignments?


How to see grades?









What is Google Classroom?


Google Classroom is a simple and powerful learning management system. It’s possible to add materials, assignments, quizzes and give students feedback & grades.



How to get started with Google Classroom?



How to create a class?


In this view you can create a class or join a class as a student. If you click on “+”:


create page


Choose “Create class”:


create or join class option



Creating a class


Now you can add information about your class. Class name is the only field which is required, fill it and click “Create”:


create class main page



Class page


This is your classes’ stream page (1), here you can:


class page



Next to “Stream” on the upper part of the page are other important sub-pages:




Class settings


First, take a look at your class settings. It’s possible to add information or change your class name:


class details


Scroll down and under section “General” it is possible to change settings:


general settings



Under section “Grades” it is possible to change settings:





Save the settings by clicking “Save” on the right corner of your page:


save class settings



How to add and see students in your class


Students can join with your class with a link or a code.


As a teacher you can share a code:



You can find the link to your course:




How to add materials, assignments and quizzes


For creating content for your class, you need to go to the subpage “Classwork”. Here you can:


classwork main page



“Create” button is one of the most important buttons in your course - all content creation can start from there!



Create a topic


Create” > “Material


First, your course needs structure, so it’s useful to add topics. Topics help to structure your course so students have a better overview of it and are more organized.


Now add a name of the topic and click “Add”:


add material


If your topics are added, they may not appear exactly in the order you wish - grab the topic and move it!


Move the topic



Add a material


Now you probably want to add something, so students can read or watch it. Different materials can be added: files and videos.


Click “Create” > “Material


In this view you can:



It’s possible to upload:



material options


After the fields are filled, you should post it (10)!




If you click on the arrow next to “Post”, you’ll see other possibilities. In addition to posting, you can:


post schedule save draft



Posted material appears blue, if you save as a draft, it appears grey:




Under “Classwork” you can always click here and edit your content:


edit classwork



Add assignment


Assignment can be added as a simple description written in Classroom or you can add files to work with or a video from Youtube to watch.


To add an assignment:



create assignment



Now you can share it with students by clicking “Assign” (15) or open the menu and:





schedule assignment



Add quiz


Quiz assignment is similar to assignment, but in addition you create a quiz here.


To add a quiz assignment:



quiz assignment



Now you can share it with students by clicking “Assign(15) or open the menu and:





schedule assignment



Add question


It’s possible to post a question (short-answer or multiple choice) for students. Question might be used, when you need to discuss some kind of organisational question or about a subject discussed in your course. It might be graded or you can leave it ungraded.


To add question:



add question




Reuse post 


It’s possible to post a question (short-answer or multiple choice) for students. Question might be used, when you need to discuss some kind of organisational question or about a subject discussed in your course. It might be graded or you can leave it ungraded.



How to grade assignments?


To grade an assignment go to “Classwork” and open your assignment, then click on “View assignment”:


view assignment


In this view:


assignment view




How to see grades?


Under section “Grades” you’ll find a table of the students, assignments and grades in your course. Here you can see:

